Tash-Rabat: Silk Road heritage

Tash-Rabat is a caravanserai, a type of inn along the ancient Silk Road, in the At-Bashy district of the Naryn region in Kyrgyzstan. The facility is located on the bank of the winding Tash-Rabat River, a tributary of the Kara-Koyun River, at an altitude of more than 3,500 meters above sea level..

Tash-Rabat was built in the 15th century on the site of a more ancient monastery from the 9th to 10th centuries. There are two versions of its foundation: the first is that the fortress was founded by a khan who wanted to protect trade caravans from robbers and at the same time contribute to the development of the country. The second foundation was created by a local rich man, but the construction of this structure was not completed for unknown reasons.

As Islam spread in Central Asia, the monastery began to decline. However, the proximity to the Silk Road saw the monastery converted into a caravanserai.

It is believed that Tash-Rabat was a key point when crossing the Tien Shan, as it not only provided shelter for merchants but also served as a fortification against robbers. Through Tash-Rabat, trade caravans were sent to the cities of the Fergana Valley.

People received accommodation services in Tash-Rabat during the era of the Silk Road, and people do the same today because of the development of tourism along the Silk Road. There are many yurt camps in different segments, and the yurt camps near Tash-Rabat are especially popular. Yurts provide B&B service and full board meals.

Tash-Rabat, which means “stone yard,” offers spectacular views and is set in an impressive landscape similar to Tibet.

In addition to exploring the structure of Tash-Rabat, you can get acquainted with the nomadic lifestyle of the locals. The local jailooes are generally overcrowded with livestock, including yaks, cows, horses, and sheep.