Lake Kel-Suu

Lake Kel-Suu is considered one of the most beautiful mountain lakes in Kyrgyzstan. It was not well known only a few years ago, but it now attracts tourists from all over the world.

The lake is located in the Naryn region, in the Ak-Sai Valley on the Chinese border. It sits on the headwaters of the Kurumduk River at an altitude of about 3600 meters above sea level. Acclimatizing to this altitude is important before embarking on a strenuous trekking adventure. The lake was formed by a strong earthquake, and to see all of it, you need to sail on a boat.


The water in Kel-Suu is fresh and has a shade of greenish color. The length of the lake is 9 kilometers, and its width varies from 500 meters to 2 kilometers at its widest point; the entire northern part is completely surrounded by high cliffs, limiting walking opportunities.

Climatic conditions: Lake Kel-Suu sits on a cold mountain. The air temperature in the summer (mid-July to mid-August) is between 14-16 degrees Celsius in the daytime and sometimes below zero at night. Even in summer, snow sometimes falls.


There are three main options for accommodations at Lake Kel-Suu. The easiest is to stay with the shepherds at yurt camps, which are organized by local businesspersons for tourists. You can also rent horses from the shepherds.

The second option is to book with an organized tour company and sleep in tent camps. Tour packages will vary and come in a range of costs.

The third, and perhaps most difficult option, is to bring your own tents and camp by the lake. This can be risky since changing water levels can flood roads and make areas around the lake marshy. If you get stuck, you may have to turn to tour companies for help.